Silences of Labanoras
Gvidas Kovėra and Teodoras Kaškurevičius have recorded the album in Vilkija, in the Samogitian chimney of Jonas and Antanas Juškos homestead-museum. The primitive space of rough texture has influenced the music, its sound and mood, has given a characteristic color to it. The exchange of states can also be seen from the creations, forming the music album “Silences of Labanoras”. About witness. About equinox. About dragon. Abut stone. About grass. About wound. Apie woman. About rut. About absence. About right hand.
About witness
About woman
About dragon
Actually, the album “Silences of Labanoras” was recorded with bagpipes, which were made by Todaras Kaškurevičius according to the authentic samples of the Baltic bagpipes. Byelorussian Todaras Kaškurevičius is considered as one of the best masters of the Baltic bagpipes in the Baltic region. According to the historic sources such bagpipes already in the 15th and 16th centuries were widely prevalent in Lithuania, Belorussia and Lettigallia. The fact, that bagpipe is important both in myths and in the ancient ceremonies can be, suggests that in this region it was widely used also during the pre-Christian period.
“Silences of Labanoras” have already sounded in Kaunas, in the church of the saint George and in the great hall of the recent year music festival “Kaunas Jazz”. In Vilnius the album was represented on the 13th of May in Bernardine church. The album “Silences of Labanoras” is part of the project sponsored by UNESCO “The pipe of Labanoras”, through which it is intended to revitalize the traditions of bagpipes in Lithuania. CD publishing was sponsored by the companies “Aigipto durys”, “Silita”, BOD, newspaper “Statybų pilotas”, also by the Architecture fund, TV 1 and the Lithuanian national commission of UNESCO.
Veronika Povilionienė and „Raini s falling“, „Bee horn“
Gvidas Kovėra- barrel-organ, bagpipe, Jew’-sharp, manikarka;
Ernest Jepifanov- violin, alto, bansuri flute, Jew’-sharp, drum;
Žaneta Svabobaitė- violin, percussion, voice, daf;
Veronika Povilionienė- voice.
This CD is the unique project of Veronika Povilionienė and the ensemble “Rain is falling”, in which merge the archaic Lithuanian folk songs and the classical Indian music, performed according to the Northern Indian Hindustan tradition.
V. Povilionienė is famous not only for her traditional singing, but also for the experiments with various music performers. This CD contains more or less familiar folk songs, performed by the folk performer. She is accompanied by the Indian music collective “Rain is falling”. The collective satisfies its title through the playful Indian improvisations. The Lithuanian and Indian music do not blank, but supplement each other, depolarizing two different cultures.
According to the musicologist Darius Užkuraitis has long been no one surprised with the folk’s connection with the popular music, jazz or rock, but attempt to connect two from the first sight absolutely different folk cultures is fairly brave decision.
According to the musicologist it is interesting that in this record none of parties do not outface to another: neither V. Povilionienė is attempting to impart Indian taste for the Lithuanian songs, neither “Rain is falling” is trying to approach the Lithuanian sound. And despite everything two cultures are also harmonize with each other, and under such circumstances you begin to believe that our ancestries are the emigrants of India, that between our and Indian languages are not only generic words, but also melody assonances...
- Oh, whose keys
- Allow allow
- Is already chanting?
- Grey falkon
- Oh when I was
- Bee/Bee horn
- Bee
- Leliumoj
- Neck is thirsty to drink
- Oh I have asked
- Oh my road my way
The band of strange folk
Men are sitting at the table (album: Aleliumai loda 2008)
Drake invited duck (album: Aleliumai loda 2008)
Briedis šieną bepjaująs (album: Verdingis folkloro grupė 2003 m.)
Mazurpolkė (album: Verdingis folkloro grupė 2003 m.)
Gerkit, svečiai (album: Atalyja 2001 m.)
- Silences of Labanoras
- Veronika Povilionienė and „Raini s falling“, „Bee horn“
- The band of strange folk
- Verdingis
- Atalyja
If you wish to buy these albums please contact